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Server Options

All dynamic configuration is located in a special runtime file located at ~/app/multiCache.serverOptions.ts. This file is bundled together with the nitro build in the .output folder.

Create a file called multiCache.serverOptions.ts (or js/mjs) inside the app folder in your Nuxt root.

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  // ...

Cache Configuration

For each cache you can define custom options for the unstorage instance, for example a custom cache driver.

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import redisDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/redis'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  data: {
    storage: {
      driver: redisDriver({
        base: 'data:',

  component: {
    storage: {
      driver: redisDriver({
        base: 'component:',

Custom cache key generation for route cache

See this section

Custom API Authorization

This method will be called for each request to the API. The function receives the H3Event object as an argument and can then decide if authorization is granted by returning a Promise that resolves to true or false.

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { isAuthenticated } from './somewhere'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  api: {
    // Use a custom method that checks authorization. Can be something like
    // cookie, basic auth or request IP.
    authorization: async function (event) {
      return await isAuthenticated(event)

Disable all Caches per Request

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  // Custom callback that decides if caching should be enabled for the current
  // request. Returning false here prevents access to the cache for the
  // duration of the request.
  enabledForRequest: async function (event) {
    const user = await getUserFromRequest(event)

    // Disabled all caching for logged in users.
    if (user.isLoggedIn) {
      return false

    // Caches enabled for anonymous users.
    return true

Use a global cache prefix

You can automatically prefix every cache item with a string. This will affect all caches and is prepended to every cache key.


Pass a static string which is included in the build. A common use case is if you use your Nuxt app to serve multiple domains but use the same cache backend (e.g. redis).

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  cacheKeyPrefix: 'example_com',


Provide a method that determines the cache key prefix per request. One use case is if your app responds differently based on the request headers, e.g. Accept-Language.

import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { H3Event, getHeader } from 'h3'

function getCacheKeyPrefix(event: H3Event): string {
  const acceptLanguage = getHeader(event, 'accept-language') || ''

  if (acceptLanguage.includes('de')) {
    return 'de'
  return 'en'

export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
  cacheKeyPrefix: (event) => {
    return Promise.resolve(getCacheKeyPrefix(event))

Released under the MIT License.