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Helper composable to use useAsyncData together with useDataCache, with optional client-side caching.

const { data: users } = await useCachedAsyncData('all-users', () =>

Full example

const { data: users } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Cache for an hour on the server.
    serverMaxAge: 60 * 60,

    // Add a tag to make it possible to invalidate the cache item.
    serverCacheTags: ['users-list'],

    // Allow the client/browser to cache it for 10 minutes.
    clientMaxAge: 10 * 60,

    // Transform the data. The transformed data will be put in the cache.
    transform: function (data) {
      return data.users

The function signature is identical with useAsyncData, but the first argument key is always required.


key: string

The key which is used for getting/setting the data cache item.

handler: (app?: NuxtApp) => Promise<ResT>

The handler, usually to fetch some data. The result of the handler will be cached.

options: CachedAsyncDataOptions

The type extends AsyncDataOptions from Nuxt and adds three additional properties:

clientMaxAge?: number

By default, the composable will only cache server-side and will not do any client-side caching. This can be changed by providing a clientMaxAge value. In this case, the composable will store the result in and will return cached data for the given duration.

const { data } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Cache this request for 10 minutes.
    clientMaxAge: 60 * 10,

You can invalidate the cache by calling refresh() or clear():

const { data, refresh } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    clientMaxAge: 60 * 10,

async function createNewUser() {
  await $fetch('/api/create-user')
  // Force refresh, which will refetch the data and store it in cache again.
  await refresh()

serverMaxAge?: ((v: ResT) => number|undefined) | number

The max age for the cache item. Can either be a method or a value.

When a method is defined, it receives the result of your handler as the first argument and should return a number.

const { data } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Cache for 3600 seconds (1 hour).
    serverMaxAge: 60 * 60,
const { data } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Use the max age coming from the API response.
    serverMaxAge: (data) => data.maxAge,

serverCacheTags?: ((v: ResT) => string[]|undefined) | string[]

The cache tags for the cache item. Can either be a method or a value.

When a method is defined, it receives the result of your handler as the first argument and should return a value.

const { data } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Hardcoded cache tags.
    serverCacheTags: ['users-list'],
const { data } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    // Use the cache tags coming from the API response.
    serverCacheTags: (data) => data.cacheTags,


Use the transform option

The composable will cache the result of the transform method, so that the method is only called once. This applies for both client- and server-side caching. This also helps to make the cache item smaller.

For example, here we load the entire list of users, but we only need some properties. By implementing a transform method, we can significantly reduce the size of both the payload and the cache item:

const { data: users } = await useCachedAsyncData(
  () => $fetch('/api/users'),
    serverMaxAge: 60 * 60,
    clientMaxAge: 10 * 60,
    transform: function (data) {
      return => {
        return {

Make sure there are no side effects

Inside your composable handler or the transform method, you should not mutate any values outside these methods, because they will not be executed when the composable returns something from cache.

Make sure the key is unique

The key you provide is used as-is for the cache item. Make sure that this key is unique or else you might experience unexpected behaviour:

// We fetch some data and store it in the cache.
const { value, addToCache } = await useDataCache('all-users')
if (!value) {
  const data = await $fetch('/api/users')
  await addToCache(data)

// Later we reuse the same key, but the fetch is different.
// Because there is already a cache item with this key, it will return this one,
// which will lead to unexpected behaviour.
const { data: users } = await useCachedAsyncData('all-users', () =>

Released under the MIT License.