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Using both Route Cache and CDN Headers

Because each feature works independently it's possible to use the route cache and the CDN headers feature at the same time.


Because both features work independently, setting a max age via useRouteCache does not affect the max age of the CDN cache control header.


Decide in a middleware where the page should be cached.

import { useCDNHeaders } from '#nuxt-multi-cache/composables'

export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  if (event.path.startsWith('/dashboard')) {
    // Page will be cached locally in the route cache.
    useCDNHeaders(v => v.private())
    useRouteCache(v => v.setCacheable())
  } else {
    // Page will be cached on CDN.
    useCDNHeaders(v => v.public())
    useRouteCache(v => v.setUncacheable())

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