Route Cache
Caches pages and responses of custom server handlers. It does so by providing a helper via a composable that manages if a response should be cached.
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
multiCache: {
route: {
enabled: true,
// ~/app/multiCache.serverOptions.ts
import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import myCustomDriver from './somehwere'
export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
route: {
storage: {
driver: myCustomDriver(),
Cache key for routes
By default query strings are ignored! This means that a request for /homepage?language=de
and /homepage
will return the same cached response.
The reason for this decision is that there are basically infinite possibilities to alter the query string. This would be an easy way to quickly crash the app by putting hundreds of thousands of pages into the cache.
The cache key is automatically derived from the route path. e.g. /api/query/products?id=123
is transformed to api:query:products
. If you want to take the query string into account you can provide a function that can return the cache key for a given route:
import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
import { getQuery } from 'h3'
export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
route: {
buildCacheKey(event) {
const path = event.path
// Handle specific routes that need query strings.
if (path.startsWith('/api/query/products')) {
const { id } = getQuery(event)
if (id) {
return 'api_query_products_' + id
// Remove query string from path.
return path.split('?')[0]
With that all the following requests will be only handled initially and then served from cache by the cached item api_query_products_1
- /api/query/products?id=123
- /api/query/products?id=123&foobar=456
- /api/query/products?foobar=456&id=123
- /api/query/products?foobar=456&id=123&whatever=string&does=not&matter=at-all
Alter which headers that are cached
You can define a method that receives the headers of the response and returns the altered headers. The method is called right before the response is written to cache.
By default all headers are stored in the cache, because it is assumed that your app already makes sure to not mark a response as cacheable during rendering. You can however alter the headers that are stored in the cache. Keep in mind that this might introduce side effects: If you use useCookie()
to set a cookie and then remove the Set-Cookie
header using this approach, only the first request will actually receive the Set-Cookie
header. All subsequent requests that are served from cache won't have this header.
import { defineMultiCacheOptions } from 'nuxt-multi-cache/dist/runtime/serverOptions'
export default defineMultiCacheOptions({
route: {
alterCachedHeaders(headers) {
headers['set-cookie'] = undefined
return headers
Usage in Components
Use the useRouteCache
composable in a page, layout or any component:
<div>This page is cached for 1 hour.</div>
<script lang="ts" setup>
useRouteCache((helper) => {
By default a page is not cached, you have to explicitly call setCacheable()
You can use the composable multiple times during a request. The exposed helper methods make sure that there are no race conditions.
Note that calling the composable does not return a value. You only have access to the helper
via the callback. The reason is that this allows the compiler to completely remove this code from client bundles.
Usage in Server Handlers
The composable is not imported automatically and you have to provide the H3Event
object as the second argument:
import { useRouteCache } from '#nuxt-multi-cache/composables'
const getResult = function () {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve({ data: 'I am very delayed.' })
}, 1000)
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
useRouteCache((helper) => {
}, event)
return getResult()
The initial response will take 1 second and afterwards the response is served from cache.
Usage in Other Places
As long as you have access to the current request event you can import the composable and use it with the event as the second argument.
Route Cache Helper
See useRouteCache.