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Not all configuration options are available via nuxt.config.ts! Some have to passed via the server options configuration file.


By default no features are enabled and no functionality is added to your Nuxt app.

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-multi-cache']

Full example

This example uses every possible configuration option.

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-multi-cache'],

  multiCache: {
    // Component cache is enabled.
    component: {
      enabled: true,
    // Data cache enabled.
    data: {
      enabled: true,
    // Route cache is disabled. But because the `route` property is set the
    // useRouteCache composable is still added to the build, it just doesn't
    // cache.
    route: {
      enabled: false,
    // CDN Cache Control Headers feature.
    cdn: {
      enabled: true,
      // Set custom cache control for Cloudflare.
      cacheControlHeader: 'CDN-Cache-Control',
      // Set custom cache tags header for Cloudflare.
      cacheTagHeader: 'Cache-Tag'
    // Cache Management API.
    api: {
      enabled: true,
      // Use a different prefix for the API endpoints.
      prefix: '/api/nuxt-multi-cache',
      // Cache tag invaldiations should be buffered for 5 minutes before the
      // cache items are actually purged.
      cacheTagInvalidationDelay: 300000 // 5 minutes
    // Log detailled debugging messages, e.g. when items are cached or returned from cache.
    debug: true


import type { OutgoingHttpHeaders } from 'node:http'
import type { CreateStorageOptions, Storage } from 'unstorage'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { NuxtMultiCacheRouteCacheHelper } from './helpers/RouteCacheHelper'
import type { NuxtMultiCacheCDNHelper } from './helpers/CDNHelper'

interface CacheConfigOptions {
   * Set if the cache is enabled.
   * While the cache will be disabled during the app's runtime, all the
   * corresponding code (components, composables, etc.) will still be added,
   * even if the value is `false` here. This is so that it's possible to
   * disable caching without having to refactor your code.
   * If you wish to completely disable a feature so that no code is added just
   * leave the entire configuration property undefined.
  enabled?: boolean

export type CDNOptions = {
   * Enable the CDN headers feature.
  enabled: boolean

   * The header to use for the cache-control settings.
  cacheControlHeader?: string

   * The header to use for the cache tags header.
  cacheTagHeader?: string

export interface NuxtMultiCacheOptions {
   * Component cache.
   * When enabled you can use the <RenderCacheable> wrapper component to cache
   * the generated markup of its slot children. Each subsequent request will
   * load the markup from cache and bypass rendering entirely.
   * This is generally used for global components like navigation or footer,
   * but it can also be used to cache an entire page when used in a layout
   * component. It also supports caching payloads.
   * The performance improvements are most noticeable if you have complex
   * components and a lot of pages.
  component?: CacheConfigOptions

   * Generic data cache.
   * Can be used for anything: Caching API responses, expensive calculations,
   * slow external APIs, etc.
  data?: CacheConfigOptions

   * Route cache.
   * Caches routes based on the path. Works for both rendered Nuxt pages and
   * server API routes.
  route?: CacheConfigOptions

   * Configuration for the CDN headers feature.
   * This feature allows you to manage special HTTP headers used by
   * Cloudflare, Fastly, Varnish and other caching services. These headers
   * control how long a page should be cached, how long stale cache entries
   * should be served, what the cache tags are, etc.
   * Note that this is fundamentally different to the route cache: This
   * feature only sets response headers, while the route cache actually caches
   * pages.
   * In addition, these headers are never sent to the client. They are
   * intercepted by the CDN/HTTP cache and only used internally.
   * It's possible to use both the CDN feature and the route cache at the same
   * time. Note that they each have independent state; e.g. if you set a max
   * age for the route cache it doesn't affect the max age value for the CDN
   * headers.
  cdn?: CDNOptions

   * Settings for the API endpoints.
  api?: {
     * Enable the API endpoints for cache management.
    enabled?: boolean

     * The prefix used for the API endpoints.
     * @default '/__nuxt_multi_cache'
    prefix?: string

     * The authorization for the API endpoints.
     * If a string is provided, the auth check will be done using the
     * `x-nuxt-multi-cache-token` header.
     * If a function is provided you can implement a custom auth check that
     * should return a Promise that resolves to true or false.
     * If `false` is provided then authorization check is skipped. Only do
     * this if you made sure that the API endpoints are not public, since this
     * can potentially leak sensitive information via cached data or allow
     * anyone to purge cache entries!
    authorization: string | false

     * Delay for invalidating cache tags.
     * Since purging by cache tag requires looping over all cache entries this
     * action is debounced. The value (in milliseconds) will be the amount of
     * delay that is used to buffer incoming tag invalidations. The delay is
     * fixed and starts when the first invalidation request comes in, then all
     * requests are added to the buffer. Once the delay is over, the cache
     * entries for all the tags are purged and the timeout is reset.
    cacheTagInvalidationDelay?: number

   * Log detailled messages to the console.
  debug?: boolean

export interface NuxtMultiCacheSSRContext {
   * The component cache instance.
  component?: Storage

   * The data cache instance.
  data?: Storage

   * The route cache instance.
  route?: Storage

export interface CacheItem {
  data: string
  expires?: number
  cacheTags?: string[]

export interface RouteCacheItem extends CacheItem {
  headers: Record<string, any>
  statusCode: number

export interface ComponentCacheItem extends CacheItem {
  payload?: Record<string, any>

export type ComponentCacheEntry = ComponentCacheItem | string

export type MultiCacheServerOptions = {
  component?: {
    storage?: CreateStorageOptions
  data?: {
    storage?: CreateStorageOptions
  route?: {
    storage?: CreateStorageOptions

     * Provide a custom function that builds the cache key for a route.
    buildCacheKey?: (event: H3Event) => string

     * Alter the headers that are stored in the cache.
     * You can use this to prevent certain headers from ever being cached,
     * such as Set-Cookie.
    alterCachedHeaders?: (
      headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders,
    ) => OutgoingHttpHeaders | Record<string, any>

     * A function to determine whether route caching is potentially possible.
     * In order to minimize the number of calls to get routes from the cache,
     * it makes sense to already exclude certain paths, such as `/_nuxt` or static assets like .css, .js, .png, .jpg, etc.
    applies?: (path: string) => boolean

   * Determine if caching should be used for the given request.
   * If the method resolves to `false` the cache context singleton is not
   * attached to the request, which prevents getting and setting cache entries
   * for the duration of the request.
   * This does not affect the CDN feature.
   * One use case might be to prevent caching for requests coming from
   * authenticated users to make it impossible to cache sensitive data.
   * Or to offer a quick way to disable caching based on local or remote
   * configuration.
  enabledForRequest?: (event: H3Event) => Promise<boolean>

   * Define a global cache key prefix.
   * Can be a string or a method that returns a promise that resolves to a
   * string given the H3 request event.
   * This is useful if you have multiple Nuxt instances running on the same
   * code base but with a different global context. For example in a
   * multi-domain setup you might have one instance per domain, but each
   * instance uses the same cache backend (e.g. redis). Setting a global prefix
   * will make sure that each instance is scoped.
  cacheKeyPrefix?: string | ((event: H3Event) => Promise<string>)

  api?: {
     * The authorization for the API endpoints.
     * should return a Promise that resolves to true or false.
    authorization?: (event: H3Event) => Promise<boolean>

// This typo went unnoticed for quite some time, so we'll also export it with
// the typo, in case it was imported by module users.
export type MutliCacheServerOptions = MultiCacheServerOptions

export type MultiCacheRuntimeConfig = {
  cdn: {
    enabled: boolean
    cacheControlHeader: string
    cacheTagHeader: string
  component: boolean
  data: boolean
  route: boolean
  api: {
    enabled: boolean
    prefix: string
    cacheTagInvalidationDelay: number
    authorizationToken: string
    authorizationDisabled: boolean

export interface MultiCacheApp {
   * The cache singleton.
  cache: NuxtMultiCacheSSRContext

   * The server options.
  serverOptions: MultiCacheServerOptions

  config: MultiCacheRuntimeConfig

declare module 'nitropack' {
  export interface NitroApp {
     * The nuxt-multi-cache cache context.
    multiCache: MultiCacheApp

declare module 'h3' {
  export interface H3EventContext {
     * The nuxt-multi-cache cache context.
    __MULTI_CACHE?: NuxtMultiCacheSSRContext

     * The nuxt-multi-cache route cache helper.
    __MULTI_CACHE_ROUTE?: NuxtMultiCacheRouteCacheHelper

     * The nuxt-multi-cache CDN helper.
    __MULTI_CACHE_CDN?: NuxtMultiCacheCDNHelper

     * The nuxt-multi-cache global cache prefix that is applied to all caches.
    __MULTI_CACHE_PREFIX?: string

Released under the MIT License.