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This composable is available if the Data Cache feature is enabled. It allows you to store anything in cache.

Full Example

const route = useRoute()
const userId =

const key = computed(() => 'get-user-' + userId)

const { data: weather } = await useAsyncData(async () => {
  const { value, addToCache } = await useDataCache(key.value)
  // Data is available from cache.
  // The value object has the correct type if provided.
  if (value) {
    return value

  // Fetch data and add it to cache.
  const response = await $fetch('/api/get-user/' + userId)

  // Add it to cache, also providing cache tags and a max age.
  await addToCache(response, ['user:' + userId], 3600)
  return response


key: string

The key for the cache item.

event?: H3Event

The optional H3Event event. This is not needed when the composable is called in a Nuxt app context (e.g. plugin, other composables, component).

When called in a Nitro server context, the argument must be provided.

Return Value

The composable returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:

value: T|undefined

The value from cache if found. The type is generic, you can provide it when calling useDataCache:

const { value } = await useDataCache<WeatherResponse>('weather')

addToCache: (data: any, tags?: string[], maxAge?: number)

Use this method to add data to the cache for the given key. The data should be a string or an object that can be stringified to JSON.

The optional second argument allows you to define cache tags which can be later used to invalidate a cache item.

With the optional third argument you can define a max age for the cache item.

Released under the MIT License.