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Migrating from V1

V2 was implemented from scratch and works completely different than V1. Also due to the breaking changes introduced in Nuxt 3 migrating the code to support Nuxt 3 was not possible.

$cache Plugin

The injected global $cache plugin is replaced by composables for each cache.


Use the useDataCache composable to access the data cache.

Nuxt 2

export default {
  async asyncData({ app }) {
    const cached = await app.$'weather')
    if (cached) {
      return cached

    const response = await this.$axios.get('/api/getWeather')
    await app.$'weather', response)
    return response

Nuxt 3

const { data: weather } = await useAsyncData('weather', async () => {
  const { value, addToCache } = await useDataCache('weather')
  // Data is available from cache.
  // The value object has the correct type if provided.
  if (value) {
    return value

  // Fetch data and add it to cache.
  const response = await $fetch<WeatherResponse>('/api/getWeather')
  return response


Use the useRouteCache composable to manage the cacheability of pages.

Nuxt 2

export default {
  async asyncData({ app }) {
    app.$cache.route.addTags(['article:5', 'image:14'])

Nuxt 3

<script lang="ts" setup>
useRouteCache((v) => v.setCacheable().addTags(['article:5', 'image:14']))

Component Cache

Previously every component was able to define a serverCacheKey to make itself cacheable. This feature has been removed from V3 of vue/server-renderer. This module provides a custom <RenderCacheable> component to achieve the same thing.

Nuxt 2

  <div class="product-teaser" :class="{ 'is-highlighted': isHighlighted }">
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>

export default {
  name: 'ProductTeaser',

  props: {
    productId: String,
    isHighlighted: Boolean,
    title: String,

  serverCacheKey(props) {
    const variant = props.isHighlighted ? 'highlighted' : 'default'
    return `${props.productId}_${variant}`

Nuxt 3

    <RenderCacheable :cache-tag=" + '_' + product.isHighlighted">


The API offers the same functionality as before, but the routes have been renamed.

Released under the MIT License.